ॐ नमः शिवाय

Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Mantra - Mantra Hindu

1. Vandanaa Trayee

Vakratunda Mahaakaya
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva
Sarvakaaryeshu Sarvadaa
O, Lord Ganesha of the curved trunk and massive body,
the one whose splendor is equal to millions of Suns,
please bless me so that I do not face any obstacle
in my endeavors.

2. Omkaaraaya Namaha

Omkaaram Bindusamyuktam
Nityam Dhyaayanti Yoginah
Kaamadam Mokshadam Chaiva
Omkaaraaya namo Namah
The sacred letter 'Om' is associated with the sacred
dot - the Bindu
This 'Om' is the bestower of all wishes
and is indeed capable of leading one to freedom
from worldly bondage and is meditated upon by yogis
To this letter 'Om' we offer our salutations

4. Asato Maa

Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Maa Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 1st Adhyaya, 3rd Brahmana, 28th Mantra) 
Oh Lord please lead me from the unreal to the real
Lead me from darkness to light (i.e. from ignorance to knowledge)
Lead me from death to immortality
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.

5. Sahanaa Vavatu

Om Saha Naavavatu Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu
Maa Vidvishaavahai
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih

(Taittiriya Upanishad, Brahmavalli & Bhrgu Valli, Shanti Mantra)
May the Lord protect us together
May be nourish us together
May we work together uniting our strength
for the good of humanity
May our learning be luminous and purposeful
May we never hate one another
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.

6. Poornamadah

Om Poornamadah Poornamidham
Poornaat Poornamudachyate
Poornasya Poornamaadaaya

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 5th Adhyaya, 1st Brahmana, 1st Mantra)
That is perfect - this is perfect
What comes from such perfection trully is perfect.
What remains after perfection from perfection is yet perfect
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.

7. Gaayatri

Om Bhoor Bhuvassuvah
Om Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat

(Rgveda - 3,62)

May there be peace on mortal, immortal, and divine planes
I meditate upon the most brilliant splendor of the Sun God.
May be stimulate our intellect 
 (so that we are inspired to take the right action at the right time)

8. Mahaa Mrityunjaya

Om Triyambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaat
Mrtyormuksheeya Maamrtaat

(Rgveda, Taittriya Upanishad, Rudra Mantra, 1st Kanda)


We worship Lord Shiva the three-eyed one,
the one who is the master of all senses and qualities
and the one who is the sustainer of all growth.
May be release us from the boundage of death
as a ripened cucumber is released from its stalk
and may be (not deprive us of immortality) grant us immortality

11. Mangalam

Bhoomimangalam, Udakamangalam
Agnimangalam, Vaayumangalam
Gaganamangalam, Sooryamangalam
Chandramangalam, Jagat Mangalam
Jeevamangalam, Dehamangalam
Manomangalam, Aatmamangalam
Sarvamangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu
Sarvamangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu
Sarvamangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu

May there be tranquillity on earth, on water,
in fire, in the wind, in the sky, in the sun,
on the moon, on our planet, in all living beings,
in the body, in the mind and in the spirit
May that tranquillity be everywhere, and in everyone

15. Prabhujee

Prabhujee Dayaa Karo
Maname Aana Baso
Tuma Bina Laage Soonaa
Khaali Ghatame Prema Bharo
Tantra Mantra Poojaa Nahi Jaanu
Mai To Kevala Tumako Hi Maanu
Sare Jaga Me Dhundaa Tumako
Aba To Aakara Baahan Dharo

Oh Master, show some compassion on me
Please come and dwell in my hearth
Because without you, it is painfully lonely
Fill this empty pot with the nectar of love
I do not know any Tantra, Mantra, or ritualistic worship
I Know and believe only in you
I have been searching for you all over the world please come and hold my hand now

16. Sarve Shaam

Om Sarveshaam Svastir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Purnam Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu
Sarve Bhavatu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nirmayaah
Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu
Maa Kashchit Duhkhabhahg Bhavet

 May good befall all
May there be peace for all
May all be fit for perfection, and
May all experience that which is auspicious
 May all be happy
May all be healthy
May all experience what is good
and no one suffer

Sumber : https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/BPH_PHDI/conversations/messages/11

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